Matthew’s Hope

Matthew’s Hope

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Matthew's  Hope Ministries is a faith-based homeless outreach ministry serving the needs  of those who have some connection to west Orange County.
   Who is served?   Any person who is...  
   1) currently homeless
   2) has connection to west Orange county
   3) is willing to share their story in an open and honest way that allows  the team of caring experts to best understand how to walk alongside those who  seek help.  

   The ministry does not take a traditional approach to serving needs within  the community.  Matthew's Hope is not  an emergency shelter (although [14] transitional housing units are available  to those who are willing to earn their way toward a life of independence and  self-sustainability).  As well,  Matthew's Hope is not a soup kitchen (although we have a Food Pantry and  three meals are served to all guests who arrive for Tuesday outreach  day).
   Matthew's Hope Ministries serves the needs of those who are currently  homeless in west Orange County.

Feed the Homeless

Matthew’s Hope: Feed the Homeless

Provide meals for a homeless family for a day.

Clothe the Homeless

Matthew’s Hope: Clothe the Homeless

Provide clothes for a homeless person (3 complete changes of clothes).

Housing for the Homeless

Matthew’s Hope: Housing for the Homeless

Provide transitional housing for a homeless family for one week.

Childcare for the Homeless

Matthew’s Hope: Childcare for the Homeless

Provide childcare for a homeless child for a day while the parents are working.

Matthew’s Hope

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Matthew’s Hope

Matthew’s Hope

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