Bears Who Care

Bears Who Care

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Bears Who Care provides new teddy bears and books to children who are disadvantaged or ill.  We lift their spirits and encourage reading not only during their time of need, but also in the future when they need comfort or encouragement.Through the love and companionship that teddy bears and books bring, the recipients of Bears Who Care can heal faster and feel temporary relief from pain from sickness or a debilitating experience.These efforts also bring support to parents, as reading gives them a way to stay connected to their children. We are dedicated to bringing a smile to every child through a teddy bear and a book.

Bundle of Care

Bears Who Care: Bundle of Care

Provide new teddy bears and books for a child in need.

Bundles of Care

Bears Who Care: Bundles of Care

Provide new teddy bears and books for three children in need.

A Gift of Reading

Bears Who Care: A Gift of Reading

Establish a library of books for a children’s hospital or classroom.

Care for a Classroom

Bears Who Care: Care for a Classroom

Provide new teddy bears and books for a classroom (25 students).

Bears Who Care

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Bears Who Care

Bears Who Care

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